The afternoon thunderstorms brought some amazing rainbows. I saw this double over the port. Toby said it was actually a triple.
The colors were so intense.
Our cardinal friends hopping around the palm jungle.
Food for the fledglings.
Mango season is winding down. Top 5 this year: Glenn, Pickering, Carrie, Fruit Punch, and Ice Cream. Honorable Mention: Southern Blush, which is a peach disguised as a mango.
Living on cold fruit and 3 popsicles a day. Plus veggies from Nelson’s.
This is the best pool not only because they don’t allow kids during lap swim hours… well, mostly that.
Sea turtle came to visit.
Hope you’re making the best of it.

Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures. First time I have ever seen the reflection of a rainbow in a puddle of water. Would love to visit some of the places that you show.
Thank you, Tammy. Not sure I’d ever seen a rainbow reflected like that, either. It was so cool.
Thank you for sharing. So many lovely photos! The rainbow pictures are incredible. Your posts inspire me to get out more. I hope you share more recipes in the future too. Have a great summer!
Thank you, Valora! I’m hoping to add some new recipes one of these days.
The end of the mango season is always sad. Though my freezer is full, no more freshly peeled and cut pieces of heaven! Phil can sympathize with you about kids in the pool for a different reason. Where he goes, hours are blocked off to lap swimmers in the summer for kids classes.
I agree, the frozen mango is not the same. We’ll love them in a few months though. It’s so hard to find a good pool for lap swimming. I bet Phil’s looking forward to those kids going back to school! haha.
Loving that incredibly vibrant rainbow and its equally matched reflection. Gorgeous. Kind of partial to the palm jungle though too – so beautiful, so envious! Oh, and I definitely think I need to find my family and me some popsicles! Happy Summer!