Hurricane Matthew Dark & Stormies

We had family evacuate to our house last week, and we watched as Hurricane Matthew scraped its way up the east coast.hurricanehikeThe radar and the news reports were terrifying, and we’d heard enough. Once all the people and pets were safe with us, we decided to make the best of it. We hiked trails, played music, cooked up some food, and my brother made the perfect drink for the occasion: dark & stormies.
darknstormyAnd when the hurricane stayed far enough offshore to spare the worst damage imaginable, we made another round and breathed a sigh of relief.dark n stormyI hope you and your loved ones are all safe and sound, too.  xoxo

Hurricane Matthew Dark & Stormies
  1. dark rum
  2. ginger beer
  3. bitters
  4. lime wedges
  1. Fill an old-fashioned glass with crushed ice. Add two fingers of rum. Top with ginger beer. Add several dashes of bitters and a lime wedge.
Suwannee Rose

4 Comments Hurricane Matthew Dark & Stormies

  1. nicole October 12, 2016 at 1:07 pm

    Well, that sounds like the perfect way to ‘weather’ a storm 🙂 I love Dark and Stormies!

    1. suwanneerose October 12, 2016 at 1:33 pm

      They definitely helped!

  2. Pingback: Mango Ginger Skillet Cake | Suwannee Rose

  3. Pingback: Hurricane Lists | Suwannee Rose

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