Davis Island has a spectacular display of tabebuias for a couple weeks each year. I think this one in my friend Kathy’s yard is the prettiest of all. These orchids, Epidendrum radicans, light up the yard with their vivid orange blooms.
Pretty Madonna or Amazon lilies from my grandma, always in bloom on Easter.
Are you willing to give up chocolate in order to rid the world of mosquitos? What is Florida without mosquitos? What is life without chocolate? I doubt I’ll ever know.
And the rest is all about birds:
A while back I wrote about Toby and our neighbor Dennis building these owl boxes for the adorable, pest-exterminating screech owls we see at night. Bees moved into our owl box, but look whoooo moved in next door.
Hens at the Pine Island Feed Store.
I watch a local eagle nest every year, but I love this virtual one because I can see the eaglets up close: http://www.eagles.org/dceaglecam/
There’s still time to see White Pelicans around Florida. Great White Pelicans, on the other hand, are native to Asia, Africa, and Europe, and are not known to fly to North America. A quick visit from a Great White Pelican at J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Sanctuary is still a mystery.
Happy Spring, everybody!
In Bloom is a monthly roundup of Florida news and other things I’ve stumbled upon around the Web, along with photos I’ve taken. Have something you’d like to share? Email me: [email protected].
What IS life without chocolate?. . .I don’t want to know! Love this post and all the beautiful pics 🙂
Me either! Thank you, Nicole.
Gorgeous! I love those orchids. Things are finally starting to bloom here again. I’m so excited for the growing season!! And to answer your question… No. I absolutely would not give up chocolate to rid the world of mosquitos.
Thanks, Coley! I can’t wait to see what you grow and cook this year. I planted Sungold tomatoes thanks to you. So far I’ve only had two tiny tomatoes, but man they are the best ever.