I hope you’re all staying warm this weekend. We covered up some plants and brought the orchids inside last night, but thankfully it wasn’t cold enough to freeze. Now the sun is out and it’s warming up quickly. I hope we’re done with that.I was worried about my new little mango trees. This Glenn is blooming.
The collards and watermelon radishes are getting Jurassic Park size.
We lost a washingtonia in the storm a couple weeks ago. Some other trees came down in the neighborhood that night. It was loud.
Snapped this pretty poinciana.
Sunset walks around the neighborhood.
Four leaves!
Watched this Gulf fritillary emerge.
Walked to the University of Tampa and saw some horses.
Another cottonmouth at Hillsborough River State Park. Almost stepped on it.
Saw Toby off to work and got a honk, which never gets old.
Sunset on Egmont Key taken by him.
And now for my favorite reads this month:
We cheered when these idiots were arrested. Always tip your bartender.
I cannot wait to go see this grocery store made of felt. I want all the fruit!
Cat food shortage. Iguanas are freezing and falling out of trees. Anyone else see an opportunity here?
Invasive penis snakes in Florida. How is this surprising?
Maggy Hurchalla on the Everglades restoration.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
New subscriber here. I absolutely love all of your posts. I am not surprised about those… ahem… snakes either. Florida is the Australia of the US after all. Hee hee. Have a good one and stay warm! 😉
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note, Valora! 🙂
Love the pics. The garden is coming along really well! Sorry we missed you in Ft. Pierce.
Come back and help me eat these collards.