August in Bloom

This month was lovely. Many long days in the sunshine, some great big family meals, and music by the fire were some of the highlights. Let’s jump in.That was the most intense sunset I’ve ever seen. Here’s the meta side on Toby’s instagram.

Thanks to Isa, Lindsey, and Mimi for capturing some of the moments up there.

Now I’m back at my desk with a long to-do list. I’ve got a few tweaks to make behind the scenes here. Hopefully new post emails to my subscribers will resume and hopefully I don’t crash this thing while I’m fixing and updating. I love all the things I do for this blog, minus that! The last post was Florida Lobster Pomodoro, in case you missed it.

My next recipe has been in the works for over a year, and I’m so excited about it. I’m heading to the freezer to grab another one right now. 

I don’t mind the rain, but I hope our Labor Day weekend doesn’t become a hurricane prep weekend. Fingers crossed. Just in case, here are my lists

Thanks for being here.