The windows are open, the garden is thriving, and the water is cool. October has been so refreshing.

I’m spending Halloween in the Keys. As much as I love Key West, I don’t want to be anywhere near there this weekend. I’d rather explore unnamed islands than Duval Street during Fantasy Fest.

I’m hitting my favorite “haunts” today: The Key West Cemetery and The Audubon House.
One of these Southern horror films would make a good Halloween movie night, along with some of my favorite popcorn.
Pumpkin flavor has become so trendy we’re on our way to another Great Pumpkin Shortage. Try another winter squash, especially the Florida native Seminole pumpkin. They’re so sweet!
Have you ever seen a tiger carve a pumpkin? Here’s how they celebrate Halloween at Big Cat Rescue in Tampa.
And if you still need more pumpkin, visit one of these pumpkin patches in the South.
Happy Halloween!
Every month I share a list of Florida news, recipes, and other things I’ve stumbled upon around the Web, along with photos I’ve taken. Have something you’d like to share? Send me your bookmarks: [email protected].