We had a family field trip to Selby Gardens with Grandma Polly. She hadn’t there been since, oh, about 1950. Here she is hanging out with the cycads.
We could have spent the entire day just in the orchid room. Every time you take a step there’s another outrageous bloom. As usual, I forgot to take pictures of plant tags. I’ll name what I can, and anyone who wants to take a stab at the rest, be my guest.
paphiopedlium, lady’s slipper
a dendrobium that reminds me of little eggs.
Dendrobium purpurium
Gongora truncata
dendrobium spectabile
Vanilla orchids grow vigorously in Florida but rarely bloom, so this was fun to see. Once a bean forms, it has to be on the vine 9 months to develop that lovely aroma.
My cousin Sara’s dress was camouflage in there.
A green jade vine in bloom! I first saw this beauty in Maui, swarming with bees and dripping with all these otherworldly flowers in hues like Caribbean water. I’m obsessed. Unfortunately they don’t bloom around here outside a greenhouse. Might need to build one just for that.
My friend Julie spotted a second anole in this photo. Do you see him?
Selby is pretty fancy. They cycle through world-class art exhibits and they style the gardens to match. Last time I visited there was an Andy Warhol exhibit with a few works on display and pop art plantings throughout the gardens. Right now there’s a Paul Gauguin exhibit and the gardens have a South Seas vibe.
salacca magnifica
How cute are these? Tiny trees make me happy.
If you’re into bonsai, then you should also visit my grandma’s hometown garden, Heathcote Botanical Gardens in Ft. Pierce. They have the largest collection of tropical bonsai in the country (over a hundred). My grandma mentioned there’s a historical connection between that garden and Marie Selby’s. I need to investigate that.
Roseate spoonbill stained glass in the gazebo and a nice breeze off Sarasota Bay.
Ah, such a pretty place.
I’ve never seen a sea grape bonsai! Looks like a beautiful place. Now on my things to see list!
Thanks, bt! I love that sea grape bonsai. It rivals the bougainvillea bonsai at Heathcote. Let’s go to Selby together soon!
Great post, as usual.
Thanks, Rich!
What a lovely post! You’re reminding me that Selby is right in my own backyard, yet I haven’t strolled through in quite some time. . .So it’s definitely getting on the calendar 🙂
You are so lucky to have that world class garden in your own backyard, Nicole! You’ve got until June to see the Gauguin exhibit.
Thanks for sharing your Selby visit. I’m beginning to think we need to move over to the west coast with all the cool places you have over in your neck of the woods. Well, maybe just a road trip! Selby is really an orchid lover’s dream venue.
If I had your spot on the Indian River I would never leave! Selby really is spectacular. I should go more often.
One of my favorite gardens! I have some similar photos. And yes, their orchid house is so lovely!
You definitely hit all the good orchid spots during your time in Florida, not to mention the wild ones almost no one gets to see. I’ll be driving through Fakahatchee again soon and I’d love to hunt for them, but… I’m sure you saw the 17 ft female python caught there recently (carrying 73 developing eggs)!
I finally got to see a Jade Vine on Upper Captiva Island. It was magnificent. Thick with draping turquoise flowers and purple stems. I went back on Saturday and scooped up dead flowers on the ground hoping I’ll have seeds. And I took a couple of clippings which I’m hoping sprouts roots. It is quite an old vine winding its way from one palm to another across a single wire holding it up off the ground.
So cool! I remember the house next to you had one on a trellis but I’m not sure it ever bloomed. I hope you can unlock the secret and I’ll get one, too. They’re unbelievable.
You’re right. Reverend Cobb had one but it never bloomed. I’ll buy a plant if I have to. :^)
Yes. They’ll look so good in your yard!
Beautiful! I want to go visit there!
You’d love it, Kristin. Especially the orchids.