Posts By suwanneerose

Surinam Cherry Sambal

I’ll never forget the first time I tried homemade sambal. Two family friends, Yanti and Irna, were staying with us one summer. We were all stocked up on the ABC brand of Indonesian sambal that’s a staple in our family, but after a month these Balinese girls were craving the homemade stuff they ate back home.

Mint Juleps

My friend Kelley sent me on a quest for the ultimate mint julep for Derby Day. This drink has only four ingredients: bourbon, mint, sugar, and ice. I’ve had my share, but I’ve never made one at home. How hard could it be?

April in Bloom

Passion flowers look like something from another planet. 

Jaboticaba Syrup

Enter the world of exotic tropical fruit at your own risk, because once you’re in it, there’s no turning back.