Happy Spring!
Here’s what’s in bloom around here:Each walking iris opens for one day, revealing the interesting patterns and colors hidden inside.
The neon pink of this desert rose looks like it’s lit from within. It’s definitely the brightest flower in our yard.
A native bromeliad in the poinciana, sending up a new bloom.
A neighbor’s fence covered in bougainvillea.
A croton bloom.
A great blue heron and I watched Toby go to work.
We spent a couple nice days on the water and caught a few pompano.
This dolphin played fetch with everything we threw back.
The families of these boys gathered by the Indian River for a Moore family reunion. The little guy on the left had four generations there, including me.
We sat on the porch and shared stories and laughed all day.
We found out Aunt Gloria (pictured here) shot a hole in the wall when she was trying to kill a rat in her courtyard. She covered it with tape and hung a picture over it, but now her daughter leaves it exposed.
Bok Tower Gardens was heavenly last weekend. One of these days I’ve got to see what’s behind that golden door.
My favorite pompano recipe is up next, so come back and see me soon.
I love these posts so much. Aunt Gloria is my hero.
She’s mine, too, but I hope I’m a better shot!