The first time I visited Key West Butterfly and Nature Conservatory, I was in a rush. It’s not that I needed to get somewhere (except Flamingo Crossing for mango ice cream). I’m embarrassed to admit this, but I’m a little weary of moths, and sometimes butterflies that look like moths. I don’t think I have mottephobia. I’m not terrified of them. But I really don’t want a giant moth to land on me. Ever.
While the rest of my family slowly, peacefully meandered through the sanctuary, I kept my head down and made my way to the exit. There’s a room with mirrors so you can check for any that might be stuck on you. You can bet I triple-checked.
Somehow they convinced me to go again this year (mango ice cream afterwards). This trip was much different. I dare say, I enjoyed it. What could bring about such a drastic change? As soon as I walked around the first bend I was face-to-face with this crazy-eyed bird peeking out from the palm fronds.
A flamingo! He was very interested in my camera. He came so close it was hard to get a decent shot.
These two tall, vibrant flamingos are the newest garden residents. They were rescued from a breeding facility in Canada. Their names are Rhett and Scarlett, and they are stunning. They put on a great show, especially when they squawk in unison as part of their mating dance.
They distracted me just enough so I could take in my surroundings. It’s beautiful in there! The sanctuary is a big glass greenhouse with lush vegetation and a stream running through it. It has a simulated rainforest climate. Although very similar to the climate on Duval Street, this feels much better thanks to a breeze and plenty of shade.
There are hundreds of butterflies in the sanctuary. They flutter around the flowers and snack bars of tropical fruit.
I also enjoyed watching all the little birds hopping along the path and frolicking in the trees and bird houses.
By the end I was pretty comfortable. I even took this photo of a giant Atlas moth.
With a long lens…
Key West Butterfly & Nature Conservatory 1316 Duval Street, Key West
No trip is complete without a visit to Flamingo Crossing for homemade mango ice cream (key lime and coconut are also quite good). 1105 Duval Street, Key West