The natural beauty and abundance of Florida drew my ancestors here in 1785. It was wild and hot and swarming with mosquitos, but they had fruit all year and the fishing was good. Our homes are comfortably air conditioned now and there’s a Publix just around the corner. We’re not fishing and gardening for survival, but there’s great satisfaction in self-reliance. This state is still a fishing and gardening paradise. Florida seasons may be subtle, but each one is incredibly bountiful. Every month it’s peak season for something delicious. Suwannee Rose began as a way to highlight what’s ripe at the moment with seasonal recipes. I’ve amassed hundreds of them here, shared by family and friends, or created by me, a gardener, fisherwoman, and home cook who has learned from generations of Florida women before me.
I am so grateful every time I sit down to a meal we caught, grew, and cooked for ourselves. I hope you’ll find inspiration here to do the same. There’s no better way to celebrate the Sunshine State.